Oh yes! 🧡

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Love the simply and depth this post packs a punch, and our wonderful Sinead honored at the end and how she's been inspiring you all along.... goes to show the power of symbolism

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When there’s no logical reason or clear ‘why’ it’s usually your soul work, which resist’s being reduced in that way. And the why is often besides the point when you are following your souls call that bids you with a compulsion (like you say). I love knowing this is the story behind your work Belinda. Makes it more inspired for us all to engage with.

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Thank you Laure! ❤️ This, how you explain it, makes a lot of sense. It definitely feels like my souls work. It's always been more than just writing or researching! It feels very physical a lot of the time

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Oooph Belinda, thank you for such clear-eyed wisdom and inspiration, I love how all those strands are converging towards Sinéad's words that were there all along. I'm also pondering my why, and knowing that it will reveal itself as I do what I feel compelled to do feels like a guiding light. Thank you.

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Thank you Annette! Also always reassuring to know that we're not the only ones.... that sometimes you don't have to know your why.... just that you're doing what you feel you should be doing can be enough xx

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I really love this Belinda, and I love your project and your ‘why’. I just submitted my PhD in creative writing, on archival women’s voices. I live in Newcastle, Australia, but have recently been connecting with my Irish heritage in a more conscious way - although it has always been present in my life, in my love of writing and poetry and women’s stories. My PhD project has allowed me to draw from that, and I have found amazing Irish women writing from the heart on Substack that fill me with a sense of belonging. You are one of those women, so all this is to say thank you, and I hope to be able to travel to Ireland in the next year and possibly connect in person.

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Ahhhh Jodi..... thank you so much. This is such a lovely comment to receive and I'm so glad you've found my wee corner of Substack.... would be delighted to meet you in person if ever you're this side of the world.... I've also started a Raeding Group that begins on the 21st October (7pm UK time every sixth Monday), if you might like to connect with other women of Ireland, however I recognise the time difference might be a bit much! ❤️

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Sep 23Liked by Belinda Vigors

Thank you Belinda, I’ll definitely keep that in mind xx

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