Jan 7Liked by Belinda Vigors

It surely was a 'sticky' year....wading through all the 'things to do' was a no no, with so many Planets going Retrograde in a row, sure we had no hope in cracking on while even the Planets were tugging at us! This is what you felt..but,the good news now is that the three years of this kind of Energy has moved on.. .and 2024 is due to be far more uplifting! ..Happy Days!! I'm all for that!....so with a great big scissors in hand to cut the 'shakey belt' , I pass it on to you to cut free and leg it out of the "gym" with full power into the open air where you will be Solar Powered to create your dream come true.!...you are exactly where you are to be in Divine Timing. xx

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Woohoooo!!! It filled my morning with joy to have a 'Substack' notification popping up on my phone that read 'Belinda Vigors - The Magic of Liminal Time', a treat to start my day with one of your WOIP blogs! Fab!!

I totally feel ALL of this... my 2022 to May 2023 was like this.. I started off with great intentions and jumped out of the traps with gusto... then I got sick, fell apart, and as the year raced onward I was left manically trying to gather the shattered pieces of my new year start and piece it together to make something salvageable work.... in the end I had no options left but to surrender... I submitted to my 'failures' as lessons and as the Universe handed my ass to me on a plate, I realised what I needed was not growth but stability and security and balance... so I made her a deal... to change my goals and intentions to something more practical, reliable and simple.... to instead of search and find and achieve and fix and analyse and grow and on and on.... I would find peace, stability, and allow more creativity into my life.... half way through the year I shifted gears from 5th to 1st... slowed down and WOW what an amazing 6 months it was.... and now... I feel I've embedded the tools for 2024 I needed all along....

How wonderful the challenges are and how painful the lessons can be... but we always get there in the end!!

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us all!

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Thanks Deborah xxx Ooooo, really enjoyed reading your comment here and your own reflections on 2022/23. They are a lovely remembering for me too of how important nourishing ourselves with slowness and, as you say, just the practical things we need is so important. Almost like if we take care of them properly then the big things and the big goals take care of themselves!

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Beautifully said. I’m in Australia and wonder does the Celtic circle work mostly related to the seasons rather than the dates, it’s summer here now.

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Thank you Mairead! Yes the Celtic Wheel is a seasonal calendar/cycle rather than the gregorian calendar which is all about the dates. In the Celtic Wheel the New Year begins in darkness, at the start of Autumn (Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere) before ending back in the darkness again. So in the Southern Hemisphere it's the same cycle, it's just the opposite to what's happening at the same time in the Northern Hemisphere. So you'll have just passed through the summer solstice, coming out of the bright half of the where the masculine (doing, productive) principle is most dominant, and are slowly transitioning into the darker half of the year when the feminine principle (rest, nurturing,listening) starts to come more to the fore. It's all about the seasons and nature's cycles for sure xx

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I really appreciate your reply, very helpful. Thank you xx

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